Emma Swan

Age: 33
Sin: Pride
Show: Once Upon a Time
Lost Item: Baby Blanket
Face Claim: Jennifer Morrison


Once Upon a Time

Emma is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. The day Emma was born, the evil queen cast a dark curse. While the plan had been to put a pregnant Snow into the magic wardrobe to ensure Emma, the prophesied Savior of the Queen's curse, would have her mother to guide her as she grew up in the Land Without Magic, Emma's parents are forced to send their daughter into the wardrobe. Emma's father Prince Charming fights his way past the Queen's knights to put her into the wardrobe, which will bring her to the Land Without Magic where she will hopefully grow up and break the curse in twenty-eight years.Growing up in the foster care system, Emma moves from family to family. At one point, she is adopted and lives with a family, but is returned to the foster system at age three when that family has a biological child of their own.After becoming emancipated, Emma breaks into a yellow bug in Portland, Oregon. She begins driving away when a man, Neal, surprises her by popping up from the backseat. As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. Later, Neal sneaks them into a closed amusement park where Emma learns he once had a loving home but ran away once his father changed too much. They begin dating and pull small robbing heists. While donning a fake pregnancy belly, Emma steals items from a convenience store as Neal distracts the store owner. When they are caught by a customer, Emma feigns labor pains. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. The duo drives away and go to a hotel where Neal allows her to make a decision on the place they are going to spend their lives together. Emma picks Tallahassee. Later, Neal admits to being wanted for stealing watches and plans on escaping to Canada alone. Though Neal is against her tagging along, she takes back the stolen watches as he goes to look for someone to buy them so they can use the money for travel. While she waits for him at a meeting spot, a police officer arrests her for possession of stolen goods. To Emma's heartbreak, she is told by the officer that Neal ratted her out. She is sent to a minimum security prison in Phoenix for eleven months. One day, Emma tests positive on a pregnancy test when she receives mail from Phuket containing the swan keychain and car keys.Sometime during Emma's pregnancy, she decides to give the baby up in a closed adoption. On the day Emma goes into labor and births a son, she struggles with her desire to keep the child. Though tempted to change her mind, Emma believes she simply isn't fit to be a mother. At some point after this, Emma finds Tallahassee and stays there for two years.In 2011, Emma pursues a fugitive named Ryan in Boston on her birthday. After turning him into the authorities, she heads back to her flat and lights a cupcake for her twenty-eighth birthday. As she wishes on the candle not to be alone on her birthday, a boy, Henry, shows up claiming to be the son that she gave up for adoption ten years ago. She panics and retreats into the bathroom, but returns to threaten Henry with a police call, but he promises to give them the excuse that she kidnapped him. She warns about her superpower to detect any lie, which leads Henry to plead for her to come home with him to Storybrooke, Maine. During the car ride home, he explains about the Dark Curse that caused all fairytale characters to be trapped. He claims every single story in his book is true and even she is in it, but Emma is still skeptical. Upon reaching town, Henry refuses to give out his address, so she gets it from the boy's therapist, Archie Hopper. She hears more strange allegations from Henry that Archie is Jiminy Cricket and everyone in town is from the Enchanted Forest. After bringing him home, Henry's adoptive mother, Regina invites her in for apple cider. Emma reassures Regina that she won't be a problem, especially since the father doesn't know Henry exists. Emma makes a passing comment on Henry's claims about fairy tales, though Regina has no knowledge of any of that. As Emma departs from the house, she sees Henry peering at her from his bedroom window. On her drive out of town, she notices he left his book on the car seat. When she looks back up, a stray wolf on the road causes her to swerve the car, hit the town marker and fall unconscious.Thus keeping Emma inside Storybook, keeping the Savior in the cursed land. After a lot of turn of events, Henry and Emma break the curse setting everyone free.(For more information head to the Once Upon a Time wiki page or watch the show on Disney+)

Fatal Flaw

Callous and Temperamental

After being shot and losing the love of her life and any chance of happiness, Emma becomes callous or insensitive to others around her. It isn't that she is unaware, she just gives the hard truth even if it will hurt someone. When others are doing stupid things, she tends to explode faster than normal. The world made her rough around the edges. She was never loved by any parents and passed along to the next family. The man she loved changed and got her shot. She had to give up her children. Live on the street and beg for scraps in order to stay alive. When she can help, she will, but will get angry when they aren't taking her advice especially when she's been down that road before.


Private Investigator

Emma doesn't usually announce her job unless it's with a calling card or word of mouth to others. She deals with anything from finances to cheating spouses. Usually, she's hired if the client doesn't believe the police are doing enough, is incompetent, or refuses to break the law. Emma isn't afraid to break the law in order to get the information she needed. She ended up learning a lot of street skills, computer tech, and how to blend in. In other words, she could be considered a criminal since she runs from the cops and blends in with her surroundings. But Emma has never failed a job or dropped a job. She always goes above and beyond to get the dirt on people.


  • Killian Jones (Ex-boyfriend) Love

  • Ventus (Biological Son)

  • Vanitas (Biological Son)

  • Regina Mills (Best Friend)

  • Henry Mills (God-Son)



Emma had lost her parents almost after birth. Her parents were killed when she was only six months old. No other family members were present to take her, so she was put in the foster system and bounced around from home to home. The hope of ever getting a family dwindled each time someone picked another child in the home. It was a shock that no one picked her as a baby since that's all she ever saw disappear from the homes.By the time she was a teenager, she found a decent home that let her stay until the day she left. During this time she met Killian Jones. She was crazy for him and was always attached to his hips, as much as they could for being in school. He was everything she ever wanted in a man, especially after being tossed out all her life, he gave her love and a purpose that she desired. However, being young and in love, she found herself sad that the was focusing all his time on school and barely paying attention to her. Yet, she didn't want to lose him so she stayed silent and tried to soak up the times they did get to spend together.Then one day the man she had fallen in love disappeared. He changed and ended up dropping out of school. As much as she wanted to, her foster parents wouldn't allow her, plus it was a prerequisite to stay in school while in the system. She stayed in school and watched as the man she loved drifted further and further away. Yet, she stayed by his side. She still loved him and was fearful of losing him.At the edge of seventeen, everything in her life changed. She had become pregnant with Killian's child. This terrified her since she was in no way ready to take care of a child, especially with how Killian was acting. She hated this side of him, she wanted the other man back but she feared that he was too far gone down this path. The only thing she could see knocking any sense into him was potentially the baby. That was the reason she went searching for him. When she found him, she asked to go on a date. She wanted to tell him at dinner but they never made it. As they stood there talking, a shootout from a neighboring gang began and Emma was caught in the crossfire.The next thing she remembered was the bright lights of the hospital room. Killian was there apologizing and explaining that she had gone through surgery in order to save her life. She was in shock. Here she was about to tell him that he was about to be a father, next she ended up shot and almost dead. Maybe she was better off dead. The person who was supposed to love and protect her was the one who got her into this mess in the first place. She couldn't even speak to him, she was so angry and confused. It wasn't until he left that Emma learned that she was still carrying his child. That was the final nail in the coffin, she wasn't about to let him ruin her child or get them killed.In the middle of the night, Emma managed to sneak out of the hospital. She packed up what little things she had and got on a bus out of town. This broke her heart knowing how much Killian had changed to the point she had to fear him.Emma delivered twin boys to full term. She refused to hold the children because she knew she'd get attached and she couldn't let herself do that. She couldn't be a mother when she didn't even have a roof over her head. She couldn't put her children through that. However, she did do extensive research prior to making sure they had a home that wanted them and it would be adoption. She wasn't about to put her children in the system like she had gone through.As she grew and fought through the turbulent life, she found herself a job she was actually decent in and let her have a roof over her head, food in her kitchen, and a car. Being a PI meant she could do her job anyway and set her own hours. However, she didn't advertise in the normal sense. She had calling cards and it was all the word of a client's mouth that she got anything. That was because she didn't want to be caught by the law since she didn't always follow it, actually breaking a lot of them. She was far from the straight-laced girl she once was.Years passed and she found herself back in Starfall with her best friend, Regina. and her godson Henry. She stayed with them until she found a small studio apartment in Anchor Ridge where she has set up her operations. She is terrified of running into Killian again since she ran off on him but also knew she probably couldn't resist him, which is a big reason she stayed far away.